Integrating time and attendance solutions with QuickBooks is desired by many so that employee hours and other payroll data can be accounted for. While many time and attendance software vendors claim to be integrated with QuickBooks, it’s not what you think.
Here’s the truth about T&A integration and where Timerack stands.
“Integration” Today
QuickBooks can only import financial data. It cannot import payroll or time and attendance data. That means there is no automated way for QuickBooks to pull information from your T&A software.
However, you can manually import a “flat file” (.csv) with employee and payroll data into QuickBooks desktop software. This is what Timerack supports, and what other vendors mean by their time and attendance “integration.”
Timerack also has a custom API integration with Thomson Reuters Accounting CS Payroll software that allows for the automated upload of T&A data directly from Timerack into Accounting CS.
Integration Tomorrow
We expect the QuickBooks development team to eventually update their API to accept time and attendance data.
Until then, the manual export from Timerack and import into QuickBooks is the only way to avoid re-keying all employee T&A data.