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Employee Time Tracking: Laws and Best Practices HR Departments Need to Be Aware Of

Ensure Your HR Department Complies With Rules and Regulations

This whitepaper is for HR departments looking to optimize the work they do by following best practices and complying with federal laws to avoid litigation and ultimately save both time and money. Here are a few points you’ll be more familiar with after reading it:

FLSA Regulations
Stay informed about the main Fair Labor and Standard Act (FLSA) clauses your HR department should be aware of.
Forms of Time Theft
Discover which different forms of employee time theft can cost your business money in the long run.
How to Prevent Time Theft
Learn more about the best practices your HR department can implement to prevent time theft.
How Do the FLSA Break Laws Apply to Your Business?

How Do the FLSA Break Laws Apply to Your Business?

HR departments should be aware of FLSA break laws which stipulate that companies must record all employee breaks, regardless of whether they’re paid or not. Find out why digital time and attendance monitoring software is the best option to track employee rest periods.

Discover Best Practices to Save your HR Team Time and Money

As well as laws to abide by, there are also best practices HR departments can follow to design their time and attendance tracking in order to prevent time theft, which can cause financial loss for a company. This whitepaper will tell you more about them: 

GPS Software
Using GPS Software you’ll be able to see where an employee is at any point when they clock in or out, so this rules out “buddy punching,” a form of time theft.
Geofencing Technology
When GPS is used in conjunction with geofencing, employees working remotely won’t be able to clock into work until they cross the geofence, which prevents time theft.
Biometric Time Clocks
The ultimate way to beat buddy punching and other forms of time theft is to introduce biometric technology into your time and attendance tracking methods.