Of all the spinoff effects of a massive new tax overhaul, only one of them is being described as potentially remaking the social landscape: Suddenly everyone’s most popular party guest is an accountant.
News accounts, from The Washington Post to The Wall Street Journal, report that all of the buzz around the new law has cast a spotlight on an unlikely celebrity figure. The so-called mild-mannered accountant is having, as they say, a moment.
“Who’s the center of attention at holiday parties? Your tax accountant,” a Wall Street Journal headline declared.
The accountants don’t seem to mind.
Accountants to Rock Popularity Polls
“I’m a rock star for the first time in my life,” Waltham, Massachusetts accountant Jeffrey Solomon told The Washington Post.
Tom Wheelwright, the CEO of a CPA firm in Tempe, Arizona, was also enjoying the attention. “Finally,” he said, “a topic of conversation everyone wants to talk about that I’m the expert on!”
Considering how complicated the tax code was even before the Republican Congress started the renovations that took effect January 1, accountants were already VIPs to the businesses that depend on them to make sense of it all. It just took the chaos of a one-week-to-figure-it-all-out national panic attack to bring the rest of the country around to what many of us already knew: accountants are awesome. Who else is going to read all 500 pages of a hastily written tax law – and be able to tell us what it means?
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That’s time they can spend figuring out all of those complicated new tax provisions and solving problems for their clients.
Or hitting the party circuit.